Let’s be honest…

Do you really think you are going to be able to build the business that you desire while having gaping holes in your process?

  • You have a great idea for a class but you can’t get the landing page up…
  • You offer a wonderful class but few people are signing up because you didn’t do any list building ahead of time…
  • You have content sitting on your computer that isn’t bringing in any money…
  • You see so many great classes that could help you but you struggle trying to pay for all of them…
  • You want to be at the top of your game but you just can’t seem to keep up with all of the information that is out there…
I get it… trust me, I really get it.

When I first started my business online, I didn’t know where to start. I lucked up on a few great online marketers that had a ton of great information to share. The only problem was that the information shared only solved a small portion of my problem. Most of the time, if they did their marketing correctly, the free solution that they provided revealed yet another gaping hole in my process. I soon realized that I would not be able to build a successful business using free information. I had to invest.

Cool! I didn’t mind investing…as along as I saw some benefit… but…

I still couldn’t keep up.

Some of my favorite coaches would launch awesome programs but I didn’t have the time take every class. There were times where it seemed like I was in a different class every night of the week. Then, in an effort to get things under control, I would choose not to take a certain class offered, only to find out that I would need that information 6 months down the line. Of course, by that time, the course was no longer offered or the price had skyrocketed. It would have been great to have found a program that offered everything that I needed, WHEN I NEEDED IT.

That is why I developed Digital Mastery Academy – TOTAL ACCESS

In Digital Mastery Academy – TOTAL ACCESS, you have access to ALL of my classes, those that I have taught in the past, those that I am currently teaching and those that I will teach in the future.  No more worries about having money when a particular class launches or being pressed about getting a seat in a class before it sells out. As a member of Digital Mastery Academy – TOTAL ACCESS, you have a seat in EVERY class. You have access to all handouts and recordings so that you can choose to take the class at your convenience. And…as a TOTAL ACCESS member, you will have access to our BAs (Business Assistants) who will be able to answer your questions.
Many of my clients come to me overwhelmed and frustrated with the many options available to market their business and monetize their message. Imagine having a solution that helped save you time, money, and accelerated your revenue growth and position in the marketplace. No more guessing about what to do next.

How would that feel?

Of course, if you have ever been in one of my classes, you know that they are AMAZING (even if I have to say so myself). There are a ton of things that I don’t do well. Trust me, you don’t want me to sing at your wedding (I couldn’t carry a tune if it was tied around my neck) or talk to me about sports (just ask my hubby). But… if you want someone that can break down your business process and give you strategy that is easy to understand and follow…I’m your girl!

It probably has something to do with that Chemical Engineering degree that I have. When it comes to engineering and re-engineering something…I do it like no other. One of the things that my clients love about me is that I not only am creative and can flow with their ideas and creativity, but it’s also balanced by my left brained side which can pull it all together and put together a strategic plan.

But my classes are not all about outlining a strategy and sending you on your way. My classes provide comprehensive solutions designed to help you understand and implement what you have learned. If you follow my instructions… you will see massive results.

What type of classes are being offered?

Glad you asked! Digital Mastery Academy offers classes in

  • Digital Marketing
  • Product Development
  • Sales Funnel Development
  • Content Marketing
  • Paid Traffic
  • Social Media and Community Building
  • Email Marketing
  • Facebook Messenger Bot Marketing
  • Search Marketing
  • Analytics and Data
  • Optimization and Testing
  • eCommerce Marketing
  • Book Writing (Offer classes and Certifications)
  • Book Publishing (Offer classes and Certifications)
  • Book Promotions (Offer classes and Certifications)
  • and more…

Here are some of the programs that are open over the next 120 days you will have access to:

Here are some of the classes ALREADY in the vault that you will have access to:

and more!

We are offering over $18,000 worth of classes and programs in the next 120 days alone.

Need More?

I get it. Some folks would love to have the time to learn all of this stuff and implement it in their business but, quite frankly, it’s just not possible. If you are working a full-time job while you are starting your business, you may not have time to implement everything you want.

No Worries. We got you!

We have included several upgrade packages that range from “giving you a helping hand” to “do it all for you.” If you are ready to see real results and real income from your digital marketing efforts, make sure that you register now.


Our Flexible Pricing Packages

Choose the perfect package for your business.

Wondering which program is best for you? Click here to schedule an appointment with our staff.

What happens once I register?

Once you register, you will get a confirmation email that will detail your next steps. One of our Business Assistants (BAs) will reach out to you to give you a personal welcome. We will also schedule a time to speak personally with me so that I can get to know you and your business and can help you develop a strategy to use all of the information available.

The Details

Yes, we must talk about the details. The Total Access Program requires a yearly commitment. If you choose a payment plan, you will still be responsible for the entire amount. Since we provide a ton of value upfront, it would be hard to repossess the knowledge obtained from our past classes, landing pages, websites and published books. If you are having issues with the program, please reach out to us. We are here to help you succeed.

What makes me different from other coaches? This is what my clients say…

Meet Your Facilitator

Vanessa Collins

Vanessa Collins

Certified Digital Marketing Professional

Vanessa Collins is an author, publisher and Certified Digital Marketing Professional (CDMP). She helps small businesses and entrepreneurs develop digital marketing strategies so that they can monetize their message without getting lost in the sea of technology that is available. She owns Vanessa Collins LLC which is a business coaching and consulting firm specializing in author/publishing coaching, social media branding, and business planning. Vanessa also co-owns Heart Thoughts Publishing and Tahitian Black Companies. She has personally written and published 6 books and two publishing companies and coaching firm have helped over 50 authors totaling over 100 books. 

As a certified digital marketing professional, Vanessa shows her clients how to navigate the waters of digital marketing and social media to increase their brand recognition, customer attraction and retention. Vanessa stays on the cutting edge of technology and provides timely information for her clients so that they can make fast, informed decisions about their business. She also provides various professional business services including web design and social media management. She is the creator of Digital Mastery for Women and Digital Mastery Academy.

Vanessa is certified in the following TEN digital marketing areas:

  • Customer Value Optimization
  • Content Marketing
  • Customer Acquisition
  • Email Marketing
  • Social and Community Management
  • Search Marketing
  • Analytics and Data
  • Optimization and Testing
  • eCommerce
  • Copywriting