Book Challenge 2019

Do you have that ONE book in your business that will allow you to share your life-changing message, impact your audience and generate over $10K for your business?

If not, allow me to help you Write, Publish and Promote your next bestselling book in 16 weeks.

Class Starts Monday, January 3, 2022 at 7 PM EST








Does this sound like you?

You know you have a message that would change lives but you can’t seem to get your book done.

You have written the book but you don’t know what to do next.

You have published one or more books but haven’t been able to make any real money. (You have found out the hard way that being an Amazon Bestselling Author has VERY LITTLE to do with HOW MUCH money your book generates.)

You have no idea how to really promote your book on social media other than posting and inboxing people, asking (even begging) them to buy your book.

You don’t know how to use your book to develop online classes, coaching or other financially beneficial programs.

If so, I invite you to join this special Writing, Publishing and Promotion Coaching Program. The goal is to get your book written, published and promoted in 16 weeks. 


It’s time to stopping playing around. You KNOW that someone needs the information that you have. It’s time to get moving.


If you are going to meet your goal of having your book done THIS YEAR, now is the time to start.

You are leaving TONS of money on the table when you don’t have your book and other products and services ready for people to buy.

People buy books all year round. Plus, once you get that book out of your head, you will be able to CREATE other products and services based on your book. 

Over the next 16 weeks I will lead a small group of authors and aspiring authors on a journey to write, publish and promote their next bestselling book. Let me be crystal clear…

× I am NOT talking about an Amazon bestselling book, where you listed your book in some obscure category and had 5 of your friends buy the book at 2 AM in the morning.

× I am NOT talking about a 24 page book, printed using 20 point font and so full of fluff that it wouldn’t even make a good blog post.

× I am NOT talking about a book thrown together, full of errors, looking like you did it in your sleep.

I am talking about…

A full fledged book that is filled with information that will help people.

A book that people will look at as the “go to” book in your industry.

In this program, you will learn…

  • How spending less than 1 hour a day can lead to the completion of your rough draft in as little as 4 weeks
  • Easy ways to organize and outline your book
  • How to make your message appealing to your audience
  • How to choose an editor for your book
  • How to work with a graphic designer for your cover
  • How to put together a simple, but elegant book cover yourself
  • How to lay your book out for printing
  • How to choose the right printer and distribution company
  • How to publish other people’s books
  • How to turn social media likes and followers into sales
  • How to have a successful book signing
  • The technology you need to grow your list and sell more books
  • How to use Amazon and other sites (including your own) to sell your books

Special Bonus

  • 12 Ways to Monetize Your Message Beyond the Book
  • How to Develop Your 5 Figure Book Deal

It's More Than Just Writing a Book.

It's about producing a profitable business based on your Book.

Program Includes 

16 live weekly classes with me where I will take you step by step through the same process I have shown to over 60 authors

⇒ Access to our exclusive Facebook group where you can ask questions and network with other authors

⇒ Special handouts and worksheets that will help you plan and implement the steps learned in class

⇒ Recordings of all calls so that you never have to worry about missing a session or needing to hear something again

⇒ Two one-on-one 30-minute coaching calls about your specific book project where we can develop a specific plan for your book

⇒ LIFETIME Access to the recordings and live classes which means you can participate in this class LIVE whenever it is offered FREE OF CHARGE!

Participate in our LIVE Virtual Book Launch where many of our authors hit Amazon Best Seller status in one day. 

Meet some of our amazing clients who used this same training to write and publish their books.

Check out our past Virtual Book Launches

Black Friday Challenge Class of 2018

Black Friday Challenge Class of 2020

Book Challenge Class of 2019

Black Friday Challenge Class of 2019

What would all of this cost if purchased separately?

Writing Coaching

  • To coach you – (16 1-hour sessions @$497 per session) – $7,952
  • To train you how to coach and price your program – $3,000


  • To publish your book – (Typical 150 page book) – $1,997 for EACH BOOK
  • To show you how to publish other people’s books – $3,000

Book Promotion

  • To show you how to create products and services from your book – $1297
  • To show you how to promote your book – $1,497
  • Participation on our Virtual Book Launch platform – $997

Additional Items

  • Two one-on-one sessions with me to answer your questions about your specific book project @$497 per session – $994

Grand total – At LEAST $18,737 plus $1,997 for each book published

What would it be worth to you to finally finish your book and touch the lives you were meant to touch? Imagine being able to not only complete your book but have products and services in place that not only help amplify your message but also produces a healthy revenue stream for your business. Are you ready to take this journey?

Our 16-week journey starts Monday, January 3, 2022.

Payment Options

Choose your option below.


One Payment of $3000 – Best Value PLUS You Get the Book Launch Funnel for FREE

5 Payments of $650 Billed Monthly (Total Payment of $3250)

New Extended Payment Options Available

12 Payments of $300 Billed Every 30 days (Total Payment of $3600)

This program is NOT for quitters. Each participant is expected to make your payments AND complete the course in its entirety. Any payment modifications made AFTER the payment series starts and for ANY reason will result in a $25 administrative fee PER modification. Each person participating in this course agrees to these terms. By making your initial payment you agree that you are responsible for the total cost of this program.

If you choose a payment plan, your payments start today. Start now and finish paying early!

Meet Your Facilitator

Vanessa Collins

Vanessa Collins

Certified Digital Marketing Professional

Vanessa Collins is an author, publisher and Certified Digital Marketing Professional (CDMP). She helps small businesses and entrepreneurs develop digital marketing strategies so that they can monetize their message without getting lost in the sea of technology that is available. She owns Vanessa Collins LLC which is a business coaching and consulting firm specializing in author/publishing coaching, social media branding, and business planning. Vanessa also co-owns Heart Thoughts Publishing and Tahitian Black Companies. She has personally written and published 7 books and two publishing companies and coaching firm have helped over 50 authors totaling over 100 books. 

As a certified digital marketing professional, Vanessa shows her clients how to navigate the waters of digital marketing and social media to increase their brand recognition, customer attraction and retention. Vanessa stays on the cutting edge of technology and provides timely information for her clients so that they can make fast, informed decisions about their business. She also provides various professional business services including web design and social media management. She is the creator of Digital Mastery for Women and Digital Mastery Academy.

Vanessa is certified in the following TEN digital marketing areas:

  • Customer Value Optimization
  • Content Marketing
  • Customer Acquisition
  • Email Marketing
  • Social and Community Management
  • Search Marketing
  • Analytics and Data
  • Optimization and Testing
  • eCommerce
  • Copywriting