
Can you help me publish my book?

If you are a self-published author, you have heard this question MANY times before. How you answer it will determine how much MONEY you will leave on the table!

Let me show you how to build a successful Publishing Business using the knowledge you gained publishing your book. (Even if you just want to make it a side-hustle.)

Starts Monday, April 12, 2021, 7 PM EDT

Does this sound like you?
People congratulate you about your new book but before you can really tell them about YOUR book, they are telling you about the book THEY have always wanted to write. 

You want to help people write their books but you feel you don’t know enough. 

 You have published one or more books for others but you don’t know how to take your business to the next level. 

You don’t know how to set up your business, what contracts to have in place or how to properly deal with unhappy clients. 

You are tired of saying, “NO!” to money.

If so, I invite you to join this special Publishing Mastery Academy Masterclass. It is time to take your SELF-PUBLISHING knowledge and grow a successful PUBLISHING BUSINESS!  

STOP giving your knowledge away for free. STOP letting people pick your brain over lunch!
Determine the type of service you want to provide: Writing Coaching, Publishing Coach, Full-Service Publishing, Ghostwriting, Editing, etc.
Figure out the correct pricing for your services based on the type of clients you want to serve.
Learn how to incorporate this business into your current business plan. You may decide to publish others to raise capital for your main business or you may decide to make this your main business.
Books Published by Heart Thoughts Publishing

When I started my publishing company in 2009, I had no intention of publishing anyone else’s books.

People would ask me to help them with their books. Honestly, sometimes I did, giving anyway more information than I should have (just being honest). Sometimes I would say no because I didn’t feel that I knew enough to help someone else. 

In 2011 I finally said, “Yes, I can help you.” Not only did our company publish one book for this client, but we also went on to publish TEN books for this same client. Since then, we have published or coached close to 100 authors with over 150 books.

In this 8-week program, I will show self-published authors how to create a profitable and successful publishing business.

In this program, you will learn…
  • How to promote your publishing business
  • How to work with authors so that you can create for them the best possible product
  • How to prepare a quote and service agreement
  • How to publish on platforms other than KDP (yes, there are other on-demand printers out there)
  • How to price your service and how to know when you need to ask for more
  • How to deal with clients from … (you know where!)
  • How to know when to walk away from a deal
  • How to deal with unhappy clients, when to offer a refund and when to stand your ground
  • Much more!

Our Training Includes

Module 1: What Will You Offer?

Module 2: Determining Your Products Offerings with Pricing.

Module 3: Developing Your Products and Establishing Your Processes


Module 4: Talking with Potential Clients

Module 5: Business Structure

Module 6: Contracts, Agreements and Payments, oh my!

Module 7: Other Publishing Platforms and Resources

Module 8: Technology, Automation, Outsourcing

Program Includes 

8 live weekly classes 

⇒ Access to our exclusive Facebook group where you can ask questions and network with other publishers

⇒ Special handouts and worksheets that will help you plan and implement the steps learned in class

⇒ LIFETIME Access to the recordings 

Learning to self publish your book is one thing but learning to take that knowledge and build a successful publishing and coaching business is another. This program is valued at well over $5,000. However, I really want to help you succeed so I am taking away ALL of your excuses. For a limited time, pay only $1497 for this amazing program.

What would it be worth to you to be able to help aspiring writers, coaches, consultants and small business owners publish their books and touch the lives they were meant to touch? Imagine being able to not only realize your dream but help others realize their dream.

 Are you ready to take this journey?

Our 8-week journey starts Monday, April 12, 2021

Note: This class is designed for those who have published a book. If you have NOT published a book, you may need additional classes. Check out our Writing Mastery Academy

Payment Options

Choose your option below.


One Payment of $1497 – Best Value

4 Payments of $397 Billed Every 30 Days (Total Payment of $1588)

New Extended Payment Options Available

6 Payments of $275 Billed Every 30 days (Total Payment of $1650)

This program is NOT for quitters. Each participant is expected to make your payments AND complete the course in its entirety. Any payment modifications made AFTER the payment series starts and for ANY reason will result in a $25 administrative fee PER modification. Each person participating in this course agrees to these terms. By making your initial payment you agree that you are responsible for the total cost of this program.

If you choose a payment plan, your payments start today. Start now and finish paying early!

Meet Your Facilitator

Vanessa Collins

Vanessa Collins

Certified Digital Marketing Professional

Vanessa Collins is an author, publisher and Certified Digital Marketing Professional (CDMP). She helps small businesses and entrepreneurs develop digital marketing strategies so that they can monetize their message without getting lost in the sea of technology that is available. She owns Vanessa Collins LLC which is a business coaching and consulting firm specializing in author/publishing coaching, social media branding, and business planning. Vanessa also co-owns Heart Thoughts Publishing and Tahitian Black Companies. She has personally written and published 6 books and two publishing companies and coaching firm have helped over 50 authors totally over 100 books. 

As a certified digital marketing professional, Vanessa shows her clients how to navigate the waters of digital marketing and social media to increase their brand recognition, customer attraction and retention. Vanessa stays on the cutting edge of technology and provides timely information for her clients so that they can make fast, informed decisions about their business. She also provides various professional business services including web design and social media management. She is the creator of Digital Mastery for Women and Digital Mastery Academy.

Vanessa is certified in the following TEN digital marketing areas:

  • Customer Value Optimization
  • Content Marketing
  • Customer Acquisition
  • Email Marketing
  • Social and Community Management
  • Search Marketing
  • Analytics and Data
  • Optimization and Testing
  • eCommerce
  • Copywriting